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As Featured in USA Today

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Unlock Powerful Relationship Skills with World’s First AI Coach at Home!

Empower your relationship with PAIRS' AI coach. Explore proven psychology, therapy, and counseling techniques in the comfort and privacy of your home.

Try Yodi for Free

Empower your relationships

Learn proven communication, conflict resolution, and emotional connection skills.

Feel the difference

Discover immediate benefits and practical tools to improve your relationships right away.

Your own pace

Use Yodi at your own pace, with complete privacy; one low monthly subscription fee.

  • Clarify

    Relationship Expectations

    Clarify relationship expectations
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    Write your caption here
    Overcome a sense of distance
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    Write your caption here
    Learn to ask for what you want
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    Write your caption here
    Communicate effectively about differences
  • Write your caption here
    Discover how to fight for your relationship
  • Write your caption here
    Get relief from painful, upsetting emotions
  • Write your caption here
    Expand self-awareness and self-esteem
  • Write your caption here
    Let go of grudges
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    Write your caption here
    Track relationship pleasure resources

How Yodi can help

  • Format - We give you the format for communicating about tricky topics that puts everyone at ease.
  • Safety - These tools allow us to tackle difficult topics while ensuring we feel safe, valued, and heard in the conversation.
  • Research- Founded in 1983 by Lori Heyman Gordon, PAIRS has had many years to refine these tools.
  • Exercises - These tools aren't silver bullets. They will only work when we are willing to practice and internalize these habits.

Practical, Proven & Usable

The secret to a better relationship?

It isn’t a secret at all.

Yodi is based on PAIRS, the Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills program. PAIRS was developed by leading therapists and educators such as Virginia Satir, Daniel Casriel, George Bach and Lori Heyman Gordon to help couples, marriages and families.

PAIRS has helped therapists, counselors and also directly helped singles, couples and families improve relationships for nearly half a century. Practical skills for successful relationships, including effective communication, relationship coaching, and an AI-powered emotions mentor.

A purple and yellow circle with a heart in the middle

“After forty years as a psychiatrist and marital therapist, PAIRS is my most valuable professional and personal tool.”

Clifford Sager, MD

Cornell Medical Center

New York, NY

“PAIRS is radical in its simplicity and its hands-on-approach … a unique and profoundly effective way to build and heal relationships.”

Don Adams, Ph.D.

Child and Family Psychologist

Cary, NC

“I’m far more in love with [my husband] than ever … I believe PAIRS had an important part in that process.”

Rita DeMaria, Ph.D.

Marriage and Family Therapist

Philadelphia, PA

“We have moved so far in how to listen and how to be responsible in talking to one another.”

Linda Caroll

Marriage and Family Therapist

Corvalis, OR

“My parents became a lot more loving after they went through PAIRS … they know how to work their problems out.”

Erica Anderson

Daughter of PAIRS Graduates

Boulder, CO

“We have psychological needs that are just as valuable and important as physical needs … our community needs are incredibly important, love is incredibly important, family is incredibly important.“

Joe Rogan

Podcast Host


What is PAIRS?

Discover Yodi in Action

Watch these videos to see how Yodi helps improve your relationship communication skills

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